Monday, March 30, 2020

Invasion Of The Zebra Mussels Essays - Dreissenidae,

Invasion Of The Zebra Mussels Invasion of the Zebra Mussels There has been an incursion into the sovereign territory of the United States of America. The Zebra mussel, an animal much akin to the clam, has colonized nearly every hard surface in the Great Lakes area, and many rivers and streams attached to them. These invaders arrived on ships from England, pumped out through the ballast. Zebra mussels are from a different environment (England), thus they are classified as an exotic species. These pesky animals threaten the entire Great Lakes ecosystem. The invasion has created many problems for the local ecosystem. First of all, Zebra mussels take the food for which native species already compete. Each mussel consumes about a liter of different types of plankton. Small fish lose their food, and their numbers dwindle. Big fish no longer have small fish to eat, and the entire food chain is disrupted. Now that the natives don't have enough food to go around, mortality rates are going up and they are starting to die out. Another problem they've created is clogging on industrial units. They reproduce en mass and attach themselves to anything they find, including docks, boat ramps, and waste pipes. All the industries in the area now have to worry about scraping these mini-invaders off. Yet another problem they've created is contaminated drinking water. The intake pipes in Lake Michigan and elsewhere are covered with mussels. Without being removed, they contaminate water and move on to clog up city pipes. Still another problem is their co lonization of rock reefs. With the mussels being several inches deep in places, their waste is poisoning the area and fish that would normally lay their eggs there must look elsewhere for nesting areas. Now natality is down and mortality is up. A final problem they cause is damage to property. By latching onto boats and other floating objects, they can and will damage them. They cause innumerable problems, so now the question has become one of prevention and removal. Several methods are being used to attempt to prevent the mussels from establishing themselves, and to try to reverse the problem. One method being tried is protective coatings on surfaces, such as paints containing TBT or copper have been tried. The problem with this is the paints often erode aluminum and other materials, and some are even illegal. Another method is heat. Zebra mussels are extremely sensitive to heat. They have a 100% mortality rate after 5 hours at 90?, or after only 15 minutes at 104?. The problem with this method is simply the fact that it is hard to apply. A final approach that has been tried is the application of chlorine. The chlorine works well in wells and bilges, but cannot be applied to lakes or streams due to its nature of being toxic to living things. The mussel's history in England is no help, for they have native predators there, diving ducks for example, that help control them. Populations of ducks like these European ducks in the Great Lakes are small , so our situation is quite different from theirs. Some method must be developed to combat these invaders; they are out competing all the native species. They are such a good competitor in the Great Lakes community because they have no natural predators. Nothing eats them! Combined with the fact that they can exist nearly anywhere, this lets them breed and breed and not worry about anything other than breeding and eating, while local populations must concern themselves with escaping predators, finding food, finding shelter, and many other bothers simply to survive. Overall, the Zebra mussels are bad for the Great Lakes biological community. Countless ill effects have been listed, and a single benefit has yet to be listed. They impact everything in the food chain with their negative effects. They eat the bottom of the local food chain, and the top has nothing to eat. They coat everything conceivable. They take up habitats, forcing local populations to look for new territories. Unless this incursion is fought back, the Zebra mussel may well be the cause of the destruction of large sections of the local ecosystem. Nothing nature has produced has the capability to

Saturday, March 7, 2020

How to Write SMART Goals and Objectives

How to Write SMART Goals and Objectives The  term SMART goals was coined by in 1954. Since then, SMART goals have become popular with business managers, educators and others because they work. The late management guru  Peter F. Drucker  developed the concept. Background Drucker was a management consultant, professor and the author of 39 books. He influenced many top executives in his long career. Management by objectives was one of his primary business theories. Effectiveness, he said, is the foundation of business, and the way to achieve it is to gain agreement between management and employees on the businesss objectives. In 2002, Drucker received the highest civilian honor in the U.S.- the Medal of Freedom. He died in 2005 at age 95. Instead of creating a Drucker legacy from his archives, Druckers family decided to look forward instead of backward, and they gathered distinguished business people to form  The Drucker Institute. Their mandate, states the institutes website, was to  transform the archival repository into a social enterprise whose purpose is to strengthen society by igniting effective, responsible and joyful management. Though Drucker was for years a successful business professor at  Claremont Graduate University, the institute helped to show how his management ideas- including SMART goals- could be applied to other areas, such as public and adult education. Goals for Success If you have been to a business management class, you have likely have learned how to write goals and objectives in Druckers way: SMART.  If you havent heard about Drucker, you are in for a treat that will help you achieve what you want  and be more successful, whether you are a teacher trying to help your students achieve, an adult learner or a person who seeks to achieve your dreams. SMART goals are: SpecificMeasurableAchievableRealisticTime-bound Writing  SMART  Goals Writing SMART goals for yourself or your students is a simple process if you understand the acronym and how to apply the steps it prescribed, as follows: S stands for specific. Make your goal or objective as specific as possible. Say exactly what you want to achieve in clear, concise words.M stands for measurable. Include a unit of measure in your goal. Be objective rather than subjective. When will your goal be achieved? How will you know it has been achieved?A stands for achievable. Be realistic. Ensure that your goal is feasible in terms of the resources available to you.R stands for realistic. Focus on the end results you desire rather than the activities necessary to get there. You want to grow personally, so reach for your goal- but be reasonable or youll set yourself up for disappointment.T stands for time-bound. Give yourself a deadline within a year. Include a timeframe such as a week, month or year, and include a specific date if possible. Examples and Variations A few examples of properly written SMART goals might be helpful here: Research tuition reimbursement and enroll in a degree program before the next employee review period.Complete a continuing education course in using spreadsheet software by June 1. You will sometimes see SMART with two As- as in SMAART. In that case, the first A stands for attainable and the second for action-oriented. This is just another way to encourage you to write goals in a way that inspires you to actually make them happen. As with any good writing, craft your goal or objective in an active, rather than passive, voice. Use an action verb near the beginning of the sentence, and ensure that your goal is stated in terms you can actually attain. As you achieve each goal, you will be capable of more, and in that way, grow. Personal development is often one of the first things to get deleted from the priority list when life gets hectic. Give your personal goals and objectives a fighting chance by writing them down. Make them SMART, and youll have a much better chance of attaining them.